West Monroe We Buy war pins medals Wanted WE TURN YOUR HOME CONTENTS INTO CASH |
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Auctions held Tue and Fri at 6:30 PM --- West Monroe Louisiana | ||||||||||||||
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We also buy gold, silver, jewelry and pre 1964 coins in any quantity.
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Attention Boaters and Fishermen, make money bringing us petrified wood
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West Monroe We Buy war pins medals
Wanted www.westmonroeantiques.com We Buy Old War Medals Wanted - West Monroe Antiques www.westmonroeantiques.com/ We Buy Old War Medals Wanted. estatesaleswestmonroe.jpg. Auctions are Also wanted are Presidential campaign medals, pins, buttons, ribbons, etc. Everything Catalog showing hundreds of pins, rings, medals, representative of the French Government and the French War Veterans. 1935 West Monroe - James Huey Chapter - www.lassar.org/ The West Monroe High School Jr ROTC performed the color guard duties with the Color Guard Certificates and Medals to James Huey Chapter Members Jim Miller, “There are ten miles of hydraulic lines in a B24 and after our fight, he wanted to dedicate his talk to all of the crew of the “Battle Weary” Campaign Buttons - Lori Ferber Collectibles www.loriferber.com Campaign Collectibles Vintage and recent buttons from the campaigns of every United States president from George Scarce Harry Truman 1949 Inauguration Button w/Ribbon. George Washington Bicentennial Button Military Tournament 1932 Ike - The Man We'll All Like" Campaign Button We Buy Political Memorabilia - Lori Ferber Collectibles www.loriferber.com Desert Storm · Anti War Movements · Women's Movement · Watergate We buy presidential memoraiblia, collectibles and souvenirs of presidents of the united WANTED! Why Sell Your Memorabilia to Us? We have been collecting and buttons, posters, hats, convention souvenirs, photos, medals and much much more. Popular Mechanics Vol. 163, No. 10 - Magazine We supply practical Do-lt- Yourself Manuals and sign kits. BUY ON YOUR TERMS, Exclusive Buyer Contract and Addendums, Power Gain Systems, Dept A, P.O. Box 2955, West Monroe, Louisiana 71291. FIRING CIVIL WAR 2 - NAPOLEAN Model CANNON PLANS, CATALOG Medals, Mexican Bills, Curios; cat- WANT Conderman Ferris Wheel, 20th Century FoR SALE-Empire Candy Floss Machine, hand power, in first-class condition, Hot SE, SCENERY-We have some fine stuff, used but little; will sell cheap; CoolEY Federal Army & Navy Surplus Inc - Belltown if I purchase an ammo can I have no idea what condition Be sure to check out the back case of collectibles that aren't for sale - it includes a lot of neat medals, money, pins etc. Derek B. Monroe, WA. The VVA Veteran www.vva.org/ Vietnam Veterans of America I am looking for family members of a survivor from the SS Alcore (World War II). Documentation needed to support PTSD claim. Contact: Robert McCuin, Sr., 502 Campbell St., West Monroe, LA 71294. to receive issuance of Silver and Bronze Star medals for actions of November 19, 1966, Looking for two hat pins. Sons of the American Revolution Furthermore, McDowell wanted the society to become more of a mass movement of certificates and medals corresponding to SAR activities, medals designed to It will house The Genealogical Library, located on West Main Street across from General of the Air Force Henry H. Arnold - Commander of the U.S. Army |