West Monroe We Buy Military Uniforms Wanted WE TURN YOUR HOME CONTENTS INTO CASH |
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Sell? CALL 318-608-6557 |
We buy gold and silver any quantity plus jewelry and pre 1964 coins.
We will buy any and all of your farm / ranch implements and equipment.
Have old stuff rusting or rotting away on property? let us take a look, it might be of value.
Need piles of junk iron or other scrap hauled off? we do it and you make cash.
Garage Yard Sale leftovers? call us to make buyout offer on it all
Estate Sale leftovers? we will buy entire house contents
We provide FREE appraisals on antiques and heirlooms
Got a house for sale? We buy houses and trailer homes any condition
Attention Real Estate Agents! let us stage your home for sale or buyout a sold house
We pay Construction Companies for all warehouse contents and leftovers
Business with overstocked items? call us to make cash offer on entire lots
Attention Boaters and Fishermen, make money bringing us petrified wood
We buy fishing tackle, hunting decoys and hunters gear
Email Us Here or Call 318-608-6557
West Monroe We Buy Military
Uniforms Wanted www.westmonroeantiques.com We Buy Vietnam Insignia Medals Wanted - West Monroe www.westmonroeantiques.com/ We have over 2,000 military ribbons, medals, badges, insignia and patches Wanted to buy-old military helmets, uniforms, caps, insignia,badges, medals, etc. Old War Souvenirs Memorabilia Wanted - West Monroe www.westmonroeantiques.com/ westmonroeantiques.com WANTED WAR SOUVENIRS, MILITARY INSINIA, BADGES, UNIFORMS & MILITARY We Buy Vietnam War Souvenirs Wanted we buy War Bomber Jackets wanted - West Monroe www.westmonroeantiques.com/ we buy War Bomber Jackets wanted. WestMonroeAntiques.com We carry authentic Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine clothing from World War II, Whether Chennault Aviation and Military Museum www.tripadvisor.com Nurse's uniform, Chennault Aviation & Military Museum · Outside view “Alice W”. 5 of 5 stars Reviewed February 18, 2015 NEW. Very interesting museum. The friends I was vacationing with wanted to visit here and I'm glad they did because it's a really enjoyable museum. Many of Louisiana Purchase Gardens & Zoo. Si-cology 1: Tales and Wisdom from Duck Dynasty's https://books.google.com/books?isbn=1471133729 Si Robertson - 2013 - Performing Arts Hey as soon as The girl signed a conTrocT To buy my house. I packed my I drove straight to West Monroe and started working for Phil the next day. Louisiana Estate Liquidators and Auctions www.louisianaestateliquidatorsauctions.com West Monroe Louisiana J.L. Kane Auctioneer LA LIC #1857 we buy Military Medals Awards Wanted we buy Firefighter gear equipment wanted The Clothier and Furnisher Traction, Railroad, Army Officers. Bands. Military Organizations. Schools. Chauffeurs, and for Every Purpose Write Siimphts UNIFORMS American President: Biography of James Monroe millercenter.org/president/monroe Miller Center of Public Affairs James Monroe was the last American President of the "Virginia Dynasty"—of the first 200 muskets and 300 swords, which the students presented to the Virginia militia. He became an officer in the Continental Army in early 1776 and, shortly for the prohibition of slavery in the western territories of the Louisiana Purchase Airman Battle Uniforms (ABUs) Wanted - US Air Force Donate USAF ABU Uniforms to AFJROTC. West Monroe High School AFJROTC unit are looking for used ABUs so disadvantaged students David M. Shoup - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_M._Shoup A stocky Caucasian man with brown hair and thick glasses in military uniform in front of David Monroe Shoup (30 December 1904 – 13 January 1983) was a considerable haggling with the enemy over the exact price we would have to pay. Senator Wayne Morse wanted to call Shoup to testify against the measure, |